Kirjanpitopalvelut pienyrityksille
Miksi valita Mountain Stream Solutions
Mountain Stream Solutions tarjoaa virtuaalisia kirjanpitopalveluita, jotka on räätälöity pienille palveluyrityksille, jotka sijaitsevat Yhdysvalloissa. Poistamme talouden hallinnan vaivan, jotta voit keskittyä yrityksesi hoitamiseen. Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman palveluita, kuten kirjanpito- ja palkanlaskentapalveluita. Käytämme QuickBooks Online, Xero ja Wave kirjanpito-ohjelmistoja.
Hei, minä olen Camilla Fontenot ja intohimoni on auttaa yrityksiä menestymään ottamalla kirjanpitotehtävät työpöydälleni. Minulla on kandidaatin tutkinto Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan:sta rahoituksesta ja taloustieteestä sekä usean vuoden kokemus kirjanpidosta yritysmaailmasta. Olen QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor, joka on erikoistunut palveluntarjoajien yrityksiin.
Kirjanpitäjänä olen sitoutunut, täsmällinen ja tehokas. Järjestelijä on toinen luontoni.
Lisäksi olen kiinteistösijoittaja, joka on keskittynyt tarjoamaan perheille puhtaita ja turvallisia elinoloja.
Asun Las Crucesissa, New Mexicossa mieheni ja hänen poikansa kanssa. Työn ulkopuolella harrastan patikointia vuorilla, telttailua metsässä ja moottoripyörällä ajamista.
Hauska tavata!
Every business is different and therefore the services we provide are always tailored to your business's needs
Services As Needed
Bookkeeping Clean Up
Most businesses need some type of clean up or catch up for their bookkeeping. Usually because their tax preparer cannot file taxes before the bookkeeping is done and the task is too big to tackle by the business owner themselves. This is where we come in and take care of cleaning up the books.
QuickBooks Setup
Is your business still small and you are not sure if you can afford bookkeeping? But not sure how to get started? Let us help you take the burden off of setting up your spreadsheet or QuickBooks for proper bookkeeping and/or invoicing clients. Most often we also find we can help with tech recommendations to save time and money.
Business Consulting
Maybe you are unsure on how to move forward in your business, deciding on payroll or hiring or just need someone to review your bookkeeping before sending over to the tax preparer. We can help. Let's jump on a call and sort anything out that is weighing heavy on your heart.
Ongoing Support
Annual Bookkeeping
We get it. You just need bookkeeping for tax purposes. We got you! If you only need bookkeeping and financial reports at the end of the year, ask for this option.
Note that you are opting out of ongoing support throughout the year and understand that there's a limit of transactions to this package.
Quarterly Bookkeeping
Need a bit more than the basics? Are you required to file quarterly estimated taxes, but don't have that many transactions to justify monthly bookkeeping? This is the package for you.
You understand that there is a maximum limit on transactions for quarterly bookkeeping.
Monthly Bookkeeping
Does monthly reconciling and reports sound like something you need? With monthly bookkeeping you gain a team member to lean on regarding your business financials. We connect once a month to ensure all transactions have been recorded and you get tailored financial reports on a monthly basis.
For your peace of mind:
QuickBooks setup
Income tracking
Expense tracking
Filing 1099's
Bank accounts reconciliation
Credit card reconciliation
Loan reconciliation
Payroll reconciliation
No more troubleshooting on your behalf
No more tax season stress
You receive monthly reports and one of our bookkeepers will walk you through the financial reports with you.
Unlimited email and Google Meet call support.
Additional Services
Sales Tax Services
Most businesses need to collect and file sales tax. We can help you set up to ensure your business is within compliance.
Receipt Organization
Ask how we can take the burden of organizing receipts.
We can set up payroll and run payroll for you. Either contractors or employees using either ADP or Gusto.
Camillan kanssa oli hienoa työskennellä. Hän on erittäin asiantunteva ja teki erinomaista työtä.
Mountain Stream Solutionsin Camilla on erittäin ystävällinen, asiantunteva alueellaan ja aina valmis auttamaan. Hän on erittäin tarkka ja huolellinen työssään. Vaikka kysymykseni ulottuvat hänen palvelualueensa ulkopuolelle, hän yrittää auttaa minua ja löytää vastauksia.